Cal Cala's mir zur Zeit bekannten Singles:
?? 52....507A-M-45....CAL CALA with the Jerry Delmar's Ensemble..It's You It's Me It's Love/B-45....JO ANN LEAR with the Jerry Delmar's Ensemble..Loving You Too Little
VANITY (78er)
04 53....509A....CAL CALA - JO ANN LEAR with the Justin Leonard Orchestra..Keep It A Secret/B….In Some Tomorrow
04 53....510....JO ANN LEAR - CAL CALA..I'm Cuhrazy 'Bout You/I'm Relaxin'
04 53....511....CAL CALA..Pretend/For The Life Of Me
04 53....512A....Vocals by JO ANN LEAR with the Justin Leonard Orchestra..God Bless Our Boys In Korea/B….Vocals by CAL CALA with the Justin Leonard Orchestra..Angel
04 53….518-45….CAL CALA Jerry Delmar's Ensemble Featuring Bucky Pizzarelli on Guitar..(I Have A Song) Locked Up In My Heart/519-45….CAL CALA Jerry Delmar's Ensemble..You Say The Nicest Things
04 53….519….CAL CALA..You Say The Nicest Things/520….JO ANN LEAR - CAL CALA..Take A Good Look At Me
11 53….521….CAL CALA..The Worry Song/522….Don't Let A Filly Take Your Money
01 54….45-533….CAL CALA JERRY DELMAR'S BAND..Down In Brazil/45-534….I Find Them All In You
01 54….535….CAL CALA Jerry Delmar's Orchestra..If There's Something Wrong/536….Love Won't Make A Fool Of You
11 54....542....CAL CALA Playin' The Piana With Gloriana/Beautiful Niagara
11 54....543….CAL CALA JERRY DELMAR'S BAND I Can't Believe/When Love Flies Out The Window
06 55….45-545….CAL CALA With The Jerry Delmar Ensemble..The Kiss Song/45-546….JO ANN LEAR Music under direction of Jerry Delmar..My Recipe For Love
06 55….551….CAL CALA..When I Take My Last Ride/My Colorado Home
?? 55….45-555….CAL CALA with THE VERITONES Supervised by Jerry Delmar..Starlighted Melody/45-553….THE VERITONES Supervised by Jerry Delmar..Oooh? Look-A There, Ain't She Pretty
12 55….558….CAL CALA..Whatever You Do (You're Mine)/Tell Me The Truth
12 55….45-559….CAL CALA Jerry Delmar's Ensemble..Wine Head Woman/45-560….Light Up Lighnin Bugs
?? ??....1003….CAL CALA, Vocals Music By NORMAN EDGE AND THE IVY'S..Those Blue Notes/1004….Ahg-Kee-Oom-May
*) Präfix oder Suffix "45" bedeutet: 45er ist sicher. Fälle ohne Präfix oder Suffix "45" sind ungekärt.
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